Monday 31 December 2012

Best of 2012.

2012 has been a good year. Not the best one I've had in my life so far, but it's been good and I'm not gonna complain. Selected a few of my favourite moments during the year. Here we go: 

 I discovered Brixton. And loved it. Little sister came to visit me in Bath. January was cold. And my old flat was colder than cold.

I went to Sweden. It was -22. We still went ice skating on the lake. Went for many long walks in Vicky Park during this month for some reason, with dogs and without dogs.

I remember March well. It was a great month. Spring arrived early, and I felt really happy. I had some good times in London and Bristol and went to an awesome Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings show. Did a photo shoot.

Moved in to a new flat. And celebrated my 30th with a trip to Edinburgh in early April. Started cooking some more. Some proper dishes. Not just popcorn and grilled sandwiches.

Spent some great time in London, stayed in Shoreditch house, went to exhibitions and enjoyed London like never before. Had a cheese party in my flat. That went a bit mental.

Went out quite a lot this month. Dancing and drinking and enjoying the early days of summer. Went to Sweden to celebrate Midsummer with family.

Discovered new places in the city i live in. The countryside looked amazing and green. There was a hell of a lot of rain, but also some really warm beautiful days. 

Went to Sweden again. It was warm and truly lovely. Went to a festival. Saw Little Dragon which was awesome. Spent some interesting days in Bristol in the end of August.

Lots of Birthdays and late summer evenings. Autumn came early and it suddenly got really cold. Visited the most interesting graveyard in Bath.

I left my job. And little sister Julia came to stay for a few weeks. My friends were lovely and the rainy and grey autumn turned pretty. 

Started working at LittleLab and went to Sweden and met up with old friends. And then Milan and beautiful Venice. Every day was a good day.

I started writing for IDEAL magazine and the winter arrived in Bath. And looking back.... 2012 wasn't really that bad. 

Happy New Year lovely readers! See you in 2013! xxx


  1. Gott nytt år kära rene!
    Ser ut att ha varit ett fint år för dig!
    All lycka i 2013!

  2. Nice pics sis!! we sure had some fun moments last year!! This year will have many more!!
